wondering klia. 2 hour transit. meh...
sit walk walk, sit walk walk...
And onto gate C27. to my window seat, and my whole row
Supper. criossant. mmm
*opens eyes*
It's a city! ...
the city of lights!
Seconds... Just seconds.
And God said there'd be light.
Seat Belt sign turned off.
Got my bag.
Got my camera.
Off the tube, into the terminal
MAS, not air france.God bless their souls.
Switching terminals,underground.
Ah, first sign of french!
Airport. Getting around.
Heure - 0605Provenance - Kuala Lumpur
Vol - MH 020
That dude with the beanie, met him on the plane.we went out together*sigh... guy...nah he's cool
Lesson: Do not try to be smartDon't be shy to ask.
Whoa. way cooler than Klia
Trains. La Cité
Underground Metro.
Alors Voilà!Note: Be a traveller, not a tourist
Nous sommes arrivés!!
First, chuck my bags.
Chuck my malaysian made piss.
And slowly, wander off..oh and those wheels.. yeah they lift the whole bridge up for boats to pass through
It'll be nice to live here, no?
Argh, stairs..
The city.
And the palaces
And the streets
ahh, la seine..
And a constant reminder..everything is in french!
and the busy streets
and boutiques
and big important buildings..
smells different, feels different..its nice.
Now where's that first meal..
and it aint that expensive...sort of
So, lunch.French Macca's!
McRoyale. not Quarterpounder. hehand no, not macca's. come on we're in paris!
Cyclocity Kiosk. Coming to Melbourne, for real. it's awesome.
It's just... funny.
Such a tourist trap. it's freakin expensive.but what the heck. its day 1 of 17.
yeah, after lunch after lunch
my drink has its own plate!
Eggs, ham, cheese, cast iron baked. mmmAh.It's Paris.Food's beautiful.Buildings are beautiful.People are beautiful.
wa this blog is suddenly active again..
pro bah
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