Saturday, 27 June 2009


Went to seven last night, successfully controlled my drinking and whatever happens in seven, stays in seven. Got home at 7.30. Got up at 12. why cant i f***ing sleep my usual 10-12 hours ? So damn annoying , the day seems so much longer now. zzz

The 80 million deal for ronaldo has been signed sealed and delivered. Those dirty red devil bastards must be laughing their way to the bank. While they are possibly losing one of the best players in the modern game, they are getting rid of so much more ie, whinging, diving, crying and gay behaviour in the dressing room and quite possibly AIDS.
should really get a camera...

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Holiday mood

On the home stretch and losing energy, hope and motivation to complete the exams. In circumstances like this, you turn to a higher power and ask yourself 'what would Steven Gerrard do'?
15 hours and it'll all be over. Time to rekindle my social life. Party time =D

Saturday, 13 June 2009



Wednesday, 10 June 2009

As I'(m typ)ing this...

Happy twentieth!
It's your first birthday as Em-tip!

(it's hyacinth)

Monday, 8 June 2009

Saturday, 6 June 2009


After my first french meal, its a visit to our lady,
Notre Dame de Paris.

Pfsh. tourist. oh, that hunchback dude from disney was all rubbish. well, its a story book anyway.

Little ppl holding up a big door =D

If we had churches like this I'd go. No wait, we do... nahhh.


Coconut trees


Pope! nah. I did sit down for a while :O yea was tired slept a bit.

Tall ceilings. common feature in a cathedral. sun light. grand. bla bla bla

Cool old stuff

Cool old light

Cool old people

Cool old building

In > Out > UP!

Ah, history not exceeding 36m above sea level.

walk the narrow roof

bell tower


its famous

i forgot why. it's alright I'll prob go back next year!

We're on an island see. google earth it

Renovation in progress of police department. pretty protective cladding

walking along the river

there, the island

and we crossed over...

:O I'm forest gump!


da da da

famous ppl in stone...

pfsh. more tourist

and then we walk somemore..

Arc de Triomphe! no not THE arc.


ooh, a group of young parisian ladies..


:O !!

They slipped a huge condom on that during aids day.

Damn. Im still in gmt +8. i need the metro

ah, my hostel. river side. awesome!

hella cheap. i guess

and hella clean!!

Big windows. Big view

Welcome to Paris YiTian. 4pm. sleep.

Friday, 5 June 2009

From Chicken Rice to Cast Iron Baked eggs and cheeses



wondering klia. 2 hour transit. meh...
sit walk walk, sit walk walk...

And onto gate C27. to my window seat, and my whole row

Supper. criossant. mmm

*opens eyes*
It's a city! ...
the city of lights!

Seconds... Just seconds. mmm

And God said there'd be light.

Seat Belt sign turned off.
Got my bag.
Got my camera.

Off the tube, into the terminal

MAS, not air france.
God bless their souls.

Switching terminals,

Ah, first sign of french!

Airport. Getting around.

Heure - 0605
Provenance - Kuala Lumpur
Vol - MH 020

That dude with the beanie, met him on the plane.
we went out together
*sigh... guy...
nah he's cool


Lesson: Do not try to be smart
Don't be shy to ask.

Whoa. way cooler than Klia

Trains. La Cité

Underground Metro.

Alors Voilà!
Note: Be a traveller, not a tourist

Nous sommes arrivés!!

First, chuck my bags.

Chuck my malaysian made piss.

And slowly, wander off..
oh and those wheels.. yeah they lift the whole bridge up for boats to pass through

It'll be nice to live here, no?

Argh, stairs..

The city.

And the palaces

And the streets

ahh, la seine..

And a constant reminder..
everything is in french!

and the busy streets

and boutiques

and big important buildings..

smells different, feels different..
its nice.

Now where's that first meal..

and it aint that expensive...sort of

So, lunch.
French Macca's!

McRoyale. not Quarterpounder. heh
and no, not macca's. come on we're in paris!

Cyclocity Kiosk. Coming to Melbourne soon.
no, for real. it's awesome.

It's just... funny.

Such a tourist trap. it's freakin expensive.
but what the heck. its day 1 of 17.

yeah, after lunch after lunch

my drink has its own plate!

Eggs, ham, cheese, cast iron baked. mmm

It's Paris.
Food's beautiful.
Buildings are beautiful.
People are beautiful.